ShimlarTheGame Wiki

Shimlar allows roleplay to happen ONLY in the RP Chat, which is located on the tab next to the main Chat channel. Rewards (gold, levels, bonus time, etc.) will be given at the discretion of the RP Arch, and only when he is online to view the RP. If you RP with no arch viewing it, you will not receive any rewards. Do not send the RP Arch screenshots, emails, etc. to prove your RP in attempt to be awarded. Awards and the size/amount of the awards are given at the sole discretion of the RP Arch. The rules of roleplay are as follows:

  1. Observe the Roleplay room for at least 5 minutes. If no one is using RP, feel free to start one up. Do not interrupt someone's RP without asking them via DM if it's okay to join. You can be any character you want to be with any magical/special ability. God RPing (being an all-powerful deity that is never affected by anything) is not encouraged and not tolerated. You will be muted for this kind of RP.
  2. Etiquette:
    • Always type /e before every line of roleplay. Only emoting is allowed during RPs.
    • Take turns in RP. You send a line, wait for your partner(s) to send theirs. You can use DM to check in with your partners, collaborate, coordinate, etc. to keep the RP running smoothly.
    • Romance scenes are allowed as long as they are not overly explicit and are aligned with the plot. RPs are not to be used for sex purposes—this is not a porn site. People who are repeatedly using RP for solely romance scenes or who are repeatedly having romance scenes with various plots will be muted. Repeat offenders risk being banned from Shimlar.
    • When you're typing your line in RP, Shimlar allows a certain amount of characters before the line is cut off. If you need to continue, type some iteration of '-c' at the end to let all RPers know you're still typing.
    • Character-building is essential in RP. This is going to be the foundation for a great RP. No one wants to RP with someone who has no weaknesses and is never fearful of anything. Build out your character as if they are similar to you. This will help you connect with your fellow RPers and any audience members watching the RP, which will build your popularity (and potentially increase your chance of being rewarded at the end). It is recommended that you build your characters over time, rather than revealing everything about them in one RP.
  3. Rewards:
    • You may be rewarded gold, exp, bonus time, or title boost depending on the quality of your RP. This is done at the sole discretion of the RP Arch. Do not ask for rewards, and do not ask for more rewards if you are rewarded. Only normal accounts are eligible for rewards. IMers are still allowed to RP if they want, and as such will be held responsible for following the rules.
    • Rewards are NOT permitted for any Ironman RPers.
    • Bonus Time rewards will run on a continuous clock and will not pause when you log off. For instance, if you are awarded 1 hour of BT, you will need to play that hour in order to take advantage of the BT. If you log out and log in an hour+ later, your BT will elapse.

Abide by these rules and have fun. Welcome to RP!
