Commands are useful in-game to view various information about the game at the drop of a time, basically an in-game wiki! They are easier to maintain and update compared the Wiki. This wiki aims to bring all the information from those commands available, but here is the full list of commands you use, indicated by typing "/" before the word.
Example: /accessories will bring up the information about all accessories in the game.
All commands can be found under the hotbar "MANUAL" section, and are broken down into the same sections here.
General Commands (Auto-Executed)[]
These commands will open automatically if you click them inside the MANUAL on the hotbar in-game.
Info List | Command Shortcuts | Description |
Accessories | /accessories, /acces, /accessory, /acc | Displays all the accessories in the game |
Bonus | /bonus, /bonuses | Displays current Bonus Time percentages |
Buddy | /buddy | Displays your friends list |
Class Type | /class | Displays all Class Types |
Conquests | /conquests, /conquest, /conq, /cq | Displays all Conquests |
Emblems | /emblems, emblem | Displays all Emblems |
Fusion | /fusion | Displays all Fusion Gem Combinations. |
Gems | /gems | Displays all Regular Gems |
Top Players Gear | /high | Information dump of top regular players and clan items |
Top Players Gear (Ironman) | /HighIron | Information dump of top ironman players and clan items |
Accessories in Game | /highacc | Information dump of all acceessories that exist in the game (normal accounts) |
Accessories in Game (Ironman) | /HighIronAcc | Information dump of all acceessories that exist in the game (ironman accounts) |
Jackpot | /jackpot | Views the Jackpot gold amount |
Masteries | /masteries, /skills | Displays your masteries for all classes. |
Monster Kills | /kills | Displays total # of monster kills you have. |
Malachite Reductions | /mala | Displays the malachite reduction chart for Quests |
Mods | /mods | Displays a list of mods online. |
Myth | /myth | Displays all Information about upgrading Shadow gear. |
Official Announcements | /oas | Displays all announcements by administrators of the game. |
Online | /online | Displays all players online for the past 5 minutes. |
Player Kill Timer | /pk | Displays your PK timer for when you can kill another player again. |
Private Messages | /log | Displays a backlog of your private messages to/from other players. |
Professions | /professions, /profession, /prof, /pf | Displays all Professions |
Purse Rates | /purse | Displays a table of purse level ranges and what you can expect to drop. |
Quest Timer | /quest | Displays how many quests you've completed and how long until you can complete another. |
Race Chart | /races | Displays all Races |
Round Length | /round | Displays when the current round started and how long ago. |
Suggestions | /suggest | Displays all suggestions by other players in the game. One day your idea might be implemented! |
Special Monsters | /specials, /spec | Displays all Special Monsters you can find. |
Game Titles | /titles | Displays all available Titles you can earn. |
Server Time | /time | Displays the current Server Time |
Game Updates | /updates | Displays game updates made by developers. This list started in Summer 2019 |
Accessory Zir | /zir | Displays the Zir chart for adding gems to your accessory |
Zone Resources | /zoneres | A handy tool to quickly view what zone drops whatever you're looking for. More information to display each table is inside the command. |
Roll Dice | /roll | Rolls a random number between 1-100 in clan chat only. Have an argument for who wants what? Roll for it! |
Dice Average | /rollAvg, /rollavg | Displays the total times dice was rolled with total number tallied, displaying the overall average as well as the players stats. |
Global Dice Average | /gRollAvg, /grollavg | Displays the total times dice was rolled with total number tallied, displaying the overall average across all tracked rounds. |
General Commands (Self-Executed)[]
These commands require additional input and are manually typed in when viewed from the MANUAL portion of the hotbar.
Info List | Command Shortcuts | Description |
Add Buddy | /buddya [name] | Send a friend request to another player |
Confirm Buddy | /buddyC [name] | Confirms a friend request from another player |
Message Buddy | /buddyM [name] | Send a message to a buddy |
Remove Yourself | /buddyQ [name] | Remove yourself from a buddy's list. He ain't your buddy, pal! |
Remove a Buddy | /buddyR [name] | Remove a buddy from your list. He ain't your buddy, friend! |
Direct Message | /dm [message] | Private Message another player, where it playback your message to confirm. |
Thought Text | /e [text] | Sets your text to italics and mimics "thinking to yourself" |
Eight Ball | /eb [question] | Ask a question, get a random answer (100+ randomized!) |
Hangman | /hangman [input1]: [input2] | Play a game of hangman! 1st input is for starting the game and guessing (letter or word). 2nd input is OPTIONAL and for starting the game - # of wrong guesses before the game ends. Both require 6-25 as choices (char or range). Default guesses is 6. |
Check Player | /id [name] | Displays that players information, including their Level, Gender, Race, Profession, Clan, and idleness |
Set Last Name | /last [text] | Sets your last name in your ID. Doing /last null resets it. |
Song Lyrics | /listen [text] | Displays your text in with song symbols in italics on each side. Used for when you're posting music titles. |
Direct Message | /m [message] | Private Message another player, with no playback. |
Race Chat | /r [text] | Used in Race/Clan Chat window, displays your text as race text instead of clan. |
Rock Paper Scissors | /rps [text1]: [text2] | Initiates a Rock Papa Scissors game between two players. Works in Chat & Clan Chat. |
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock | /rpsls [text1]: [text2] | Initiates a Rock Papa Scissors Lizard Spock game between two players. Works in Chat & Clan Chat. |
Suggestions | /suggest [text] | Adds your suggestion to the suggestion list. |
Zone ID | /zone [zone name] | Displays the location you can find that zone in and what level to enter. |
Clan (Auto-Executed)[]
These commands are geared towards clan usage, and are automatically triggered when you select them from the MANUAL on the hotbar in-game.
Info List | Command Shortcuts | Description |
Clan Info | /clan | Displays your Clans Information |
Clan Bonus | /clanbonus, /cb | Displays all available Clan Bonuses to unlock |
Clan Mines | /clanmine, /cm1 | Displays all available Clan Mines to Purchase |
Clan Misc Buildings | /clanmisc, /cm2 | Displays all available Clan Misc Buildings to Purchase |
Clan Power | /clanpower, /cp | Displays the Clan Power Chart to determine your usefulness to your clan. A higher clan power allows better clan bonuses. |
Clan Needs | /clanneeds, /cn | Displays current needs of clan members. Full information about adding/removing etc is found through the in-game command. |
Clan Members | /members | Displays all online clan members |
Roll Dice | /roll | Rolls a random number between 1-100 in clan chat only. Have an argument for who wants what? Roll for it! |
Dice Average | /rollAvg, /rollavg | Displays the total times dice was rolled with total number tallied, displaying the overall average. |
Clan (Self-Executed)[]
These commands are geared towards clan usage, and require additional input and manually typed from the MANUAL on the hotbar in-game.
Info List | Command Shortcuts | Description |
Donate to Clan | /clandonate [amount], /cdonate [amount] | Donates the given gold amount to your clans coffers. |
Clan Goal | /clangoal [message] | Sets your clans current goal by leaders, displays in chat whenever set. |
Message Leaders | /leaders [message] | Sends a message your Leader and Co-Leader. |
Message to Clan Members | /mc [message] | Leaders can send a message that is seen by all clan members. |
Resign | /resign | Leader forfeits their position. If the Leader resigns, the co-leader will take over. If there is no co-leader, the clan is dissolved. |
Rock Paper Scissors | /rps [text1]: [text2] | Initiates a Rock Papa Scissors game between two players. Works in Chat & Clan Chat. |
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock | /rpsls [text1]: [text2] | Initiates a Rock Papa Scissors Lizard Spock game between two players. Works in Chat & Clan Chat. |
These commands are for displaying an emotion towards something or at someone. While these commands are automatically triggered when you select them from the MANUAL on the hotbar in-game, you can also manually direct them at other players such as "/like Alpr".
Each emote has a small word bank that is randomly chosen to display.
Info List | Command Shortcuts |
Cheer | /cheer, /cheer [text] |
Cries | /cries, /cries [text] |
Frown | /frown, /frown [text] |
Facepalm | /face, /face [text] |
Congratulations | /grats, /grats [text] |
Hug | /hug, /hug [text] |
Laugh | /laugh, /laugh [text] |
Like | /like, /like [text] |
Love | /love, love [text] |
Moan | /moan, /moan [text] |
Sigh | /sigh, /sigh [text] |
Taunt | /taunt, /taunt [text] |
Welcome Back | /wb, /wb [text] |